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  • [登録者] : City of Nashville
  • [言語]日本語
  • [エリア]Nashville, TN
  • 登録日 : 2024/10/04
  • 掲載日 : 2024/10/04
  • 変更日 :2024/10/04
  • 総閲覧数 : 148 人

Let's Go, Nashville! Newsletter

ICYMI: We've had a busy 2 weeks!

View this email in your browser (https://mailchi.mp/nashville/icymi-update-oct4-13884117?e=228bd066b9)
NDOT builds and manages a safe, reliable public network which elevates the quality of life and prosperity in Davidson County.

** Vision Zero PSA Screening + Panel Discussion

On September 23^rd, we hosted a screening of public service announcements (PSAs) that highlighted five families impacted by roadway crashes in Nashville. The short video testimonials are part of our Vision Zero initiative (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation/plans-and-programs/vision-zero) to strive for zero traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries in the city. After the screening, WPLN’s “This is Nashville” host Khalil Ekulona moderated a panel discussion with Freddie O’Connell, Mayor of Nashville and Davidson County, Diana Alarcon, Director of NDOT, Nate McDowell, Founder of Music City Dope Pedalers, and Meredith Montgomery, Executive Director of Walk Bike Nashville.

The event was covered by several news outlets and kickstarted our efforts to share the PSAs with the public.

Relevant News Coverage:
* Channel 4 - NDOT launches new campaign to reduce traffic deaths (https://www.wsmv.com/2024/09/24/ndot-launches-new-campaign-reduce-traffic-deaths/)
* Fox 17 - Five Nashville families open up about losing loved ones to traffic violence (https://fox17.com/news/local/five-nashville-families-open-up-about-losing-loved-ones-to-traffic-violence)

We encourage you to watch and share the short stories!
* Vision Zero Docuseries: Sharing the Road (https://youtu.be/_iZlN_7qAmU)
* Vision Zero Docuseries: School Safety (https://youtu.be/25zuMnoz7CE)
* Vision Zero Docuseries: The Sowers Family (https://youtu.be/KiI9EyHKB88)
* Vision Zero Docuseries: Preventing Unnecessary Loss (https://youtu.be/R0VHTnOxvSE)
* Vision Zero Docuseries: Preventing Collisions (https://youtu.be/vR4xHOoUIFE)
* Vision Zero Docuseries: Final Message (https://youtu.be/TdzWvv9ejz4)

** Transportation Demand Management Summit
On September 27^th, at Nissan Stadium, NDOT and Nashville Connector (https://nashconnector.org/) hosted government officials, community partners, and transit-focused organizations at the Transportation Demand Management (TDM) summit. The summit engaged attendees on policies and strategies to maximize the efficiency of transportation systems leading to improved mobility, reduced congestion, and lower vehicle emissions.

To learn more about TDM and how you can contribute to more efficient transportation in Nashville, please visit our Transportation Demand Management webpage (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation/plans-and-programs/transportation-demand#:~:text=Transportation%20Demand%20Management%20(TDM)%20Options:%20Taxicabs,%20carsharing,%20paratransit,) .

** Traffic Management Center Grand Opening
On October 1^st, we celebrated the opening of Nashville’s first-ever Traffic Management Center (TMC). As part of Metropolitan Nashville’s transportation priorities, the TMC will lead traffic signal management and synchronization, as well as serve as a hub for regional traffic and crash data for Nashville and Davidson Country. TMC staff and NDOT leaders showcased the facility to Mayor Freddie O’Connell, Nashville Council Members, and several state and community partners.

In addition to remarks by NDOT leadership and Mayor O’Connell, invited guests were also presented with demonstrations of the TMC’s traffic data and monitoring technology.

Relevant News Coverage
* Channel 4 - ‘A sea change for the city of Nashville’: New Traffic Management Center hopes to bring faster, safer commutes (https://www.wsmv.com/2024/10/02/sea-change-city-nashville-new-traffic-management-center-hopes-bring-faster-safer-commutes/)
* Nashville Noticias - Inauguran el primer Centro de Gestión de Tráfico de Nashville (https://nashvillenoticias.com/inaugural-el-primer-centro-de-gestion-de-trafico-de-nashville/)
* Channel 2 - Nashville, TN gets green light for first Traffic Management Center (https://www.wkrn.com/news/local-news/nashville/nashville-green-light-traffic-management-center/)

Walk To School Day
On October 2^nd, NDOT joined Walk Bike Nashville (https://www.walkbikenashville.org/) on its annual ‘Walk to School Day’ event in Nashville’s Glencliff neighborhood. Students and teachers from Glencliff High School and Wright Middle School spread awareness on the need for safe walking and biking routes to school and around the community.

** Take the Vision Zero Pledge

Together we can make a difference!

Vision Zero Nashville is a Metro-wide initiative spearhead by NDOT in partnership with the Mayor's Office, community organizations, businesses, and residents. Vision Zero is achievable through collective effort and behavior change. Everyone has a role to play in creating safer roads because safety benefits everyone.

Take the Vision Zero Pledge. (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation/plans-and-programs/vision-zero/vision-zero-pledge)

Potholes and Litter: By the Numbers
Potholes Filled
From 9/20/24 thru 10/3/24: 946
YTD: 32,267 (Jan 1, 2024)
Litter Collected
From 9/20/24 thru 10/3/24: 33.09 tons collected over 599.74 miles

** Join Our Team

NDOT is hiring for the following positions:
* Compliance Inspector 2-Enforcement (https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/nashville/jobs/4393515/compliance-inspector-2-ndot-enforcement)
* Engineer In Training (https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/nashville/jobs/3974921/engineer-in-training-nashville-department-of-transportation-ndot)

We are an equal opportunity employer that values diversity at all levels.

Upcoming Events (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation/events)
Weekly Construction Activities Report (https://www.nashville.gov/sites/default/files/2024-10/Construction_Activities_OCT42024.pdf?ct=1728061203)
Sidewalks and Bikeways Tracker (http://mpw.nashville.gov/walknbike/)
Traffic Calming Project Tracker (https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/d5ecf3b1319647e986771823f79ebfda)
Roadway Closures (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation/road-closures)
Parking in Nashville (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation/traffic-and-parking/parking)
hubNashville: One Stop Shop for Metro and NDOT Issues
All NDOT requests and issues should be reported via hubNashville by:
Calling 311 (M-F from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Visiting hub.Nashville.gov (https://us10.admin.mailchimp.com/campaigns/hub.Nashville.gov) (24/7)
Downloading the hubNashville app (24/7)

** Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/NashvilleDOT)
** Twitter (https://twitter.com/NashvilleDOT)
** Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/nashvilledot/)
** Website (https://www.nashville.gov/departments/transportation)
This is an official news communication from the Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT). You received this email because you subscribed to our eNews service or signed up to receive updates at an NDOT event.

Add ndotcommunications@nashville.gov to your address book to ensure you receive our emails in your inbox.

Have questions about our newsletter? Email
** ndotcommunications@Nashville.gov (mailto:ndotcommunications@Nashville.gov)

** Subscribe to the Let's Go, Nashville! Newsletter (https://mailchi.mp/3a72efb32189/ndotnewsletter)

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Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure . 750 S 5th St . Nashville, TN 37206-3805 . USA

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